Well, we made it home and survived our first day....with help. This help did not come from Nanny or auntie as they both slept all day. We were up very early as both kids slept during most of the flight. It was really fantastic; however, it meant not a lot of sleep at this end. Song Li came over today and took both kids to the library. Ella will go back to school on Monday. I think Isaac was happy to have someone who understood what he was saying all day. They both completely crashed at dinner time...in fact, before dinner.
Our last day in China will certainly be remembered as it was the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China and they put off quite a show....albeit seen from our hotel TV set. We did see army tanks roll past our hotel after the festivities.
I have only one photo today. It was taken on the great wall and I can't believe I forgot to post it earlier. They look so happy together. No one would ever guess that she is still blaming him for everything that happens and he follows her around like a love-sick puppy. Thank goodness he doesn't understand what she's saying...like, "Isaac, you're not in the club", "Isaac, you're too small to do this", OR "he's not allowed to have this, right!"
This was taken at the top of the section of the Great Wall that we climbed.