Well, it was a great day on Monday when we got Isaac. Here are a few pictured of our first day with him. We are staying at the same hotel we stayed at four years ago and what made it extra special for all of us is that we got Isaac in the exact same building and same room that we got Ella in, four years ago. It, of course, was much quieter this time. Before leaving the hotel, I asked Ella if she would like to give Isaac the stuffed animal we had brought him. In a huff, with her arms folded defiantly, she said, "No!" Well, her tune changed as soon as we walked into the room and saw him. He was playing with the director of the orphanage and laughing. We walked over to say hi and Ella immediately wrapped her arms around me and said, "oh, mommy, I love him. Where's the toy? Can I give it to him?"
We played for a long time as Isaac showed us all the thing we had sent to him in a carepackage. He wanted to put on the t-shirt we had sent. That was really funny! We had a great day and yesterday was great as well. He went to bed perfectly and woke up happy - had an accident in bed, but luckily you can get house-cleaning to take care of that... and sent the rest out to the laundry.
Well he just woke up and we're off to see the dancers outside the hotel before we have breakfast. Will post again soon!
Thanks to Hilary for helping us with this!
What beautiful pictures, Isaac looks like such a happy, healthy little guy. Ella will be such a wonderful big sister too, I can tell! We are so happy for you all!
Glen, Angie and the kids