Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Look who's 3

Wow! We just celebrated Isaac's third birthday....and what fun it was. He was very excited and loved every minute...especially the presents and cake. Some presents he quickly carried to his room and he was sure to let Ella know that they were "Lan-Lan's". Thanks to everyone for making it such a fun event for Isaac.
He was quite amazed at the candles on the cake. Thanks to our very talented resident pastry chef, Emily, who wowed us all with her amazing talents.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Canadian citizenship

Another official Canadian citizen...not old enough to vote, but can get a passport. Isaac's citizenship papers arrived on Monday. He was granted Canadian citizenship in China, but we had to mail in a bunch of forms, etc and now we have the official documents. When we adopted Ella, our only option was to have Ella arrive as a landed immigrant and then apply for citizenship once in Canada. It took almost a year to get the paperwork done. The laws changed in the past four years and this time we chose to go the new route and have Isaac come to Canada as a Canadian citizen. Looks good on him.

baby brother woes

She loves him...she loves him not...she loves him...she loves him not

aaawwww!! she loves him (at least for this little moment in time).

some great weather

Finally, we got some fabulous weather. We took full advantage and decided to rake up the leaves...didn't exactly happen acording to plan, but the kids had a blast. It was 'no jackets required' weather in!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

update on Isaac

Here's Ella and Isaac just before breakfast one morning this week - she wanted me to take this picture. It is a more and more common site....Ella hugging Isaac and saying "I love you, Isaac". However, it's all just a ruse as she has been heard a few minutes after such outpouring of affection to utter such comments as, "It's all because of Isaac", "If only baby brother weren't here", "Oh, you're just a toddler, Isaac" (He graduated from 'baby' to 'toddler'. Still said with much distain.)

We just survived two days of poking and prodding at Sick Kids. I don't know how Donna and Mike survived all their visits over the years, but I certainly have a better appreciation for it all. I also realized after our two days and five clinics later, what a minor thing the cleft lip and palate really is. The hospital is so very busy and there are so many kids with varying degrees of facial disorders, vision problems, etc. We only really saw kids in the ENT, plastic surgery, dental and vision care and that was enough to know that we are all very fortunate if we have good health.

As it turns out, our Mr. Isaac will be needing glasses. He should get them in a week or two. He is very very near sighted. We suspected this already as he had to hold things very close to see them. It hasn't been as noticeable since we returned from China, but we noticed it right away there. He is also a little deaf and will require tubes in his ears. The plastic surgeon thought his palate and lip were quite good and do not require further surgery. This was great news. It was a surprise to us to see that his palate was repaired in China and great news that the surgeon here thinks it doesn't need further work. The dentist also thought his teeth were great. I may have said before that he definitely knew what a tooth brush was and opened his mouth to have his teeth brushed that first night with us. Of course, they are quite messed up around the cleft area, but nothing is done until he gets his adult teeth anyway. In fact, it's usually much later, and we'll have lots of check-ups in the meantime.

We spent a lot of time with the ophthamologist who suggested Isaac may have Stickler syndrome. We have been referred to the genetics department to have this checked out. We don't know a lot about this syndrom and are just learning about it ourselves, but we have been told that we need to monitor his vision and specifically his retina. People with Stickler syndrome may experience retinal detachment. The doctor did say his retina looks good right now, but he wasn't able to get a good view of the vitreous (you'll have to look this up yourself) and we'll have to go back again. It was just too much for little Isaac and he had had enough.

The second day at Sick Kids was good and bad. It was good as we received news that he didn't require more lip or palate surgery and it was bad in that he had had enough of that hospital and being poked and prodded. He was very fussy and half way through lunch he pushed the food away and just got mad. "What's this broccoli doing on my plate and I hate mushrooms!!!!" Now, it was all in Chinese but this is my interpretation, and that's what it sounded like. He slapped the table and screamed. I tried to calm him down. We were in the cafeteria. Lots of people...people who five minutes earlier had spoken to us. It was not a pretty sight. He was in a high-chair and refused to get out of it. When I tried to take him out, he screamed and wrapped his legs and arms around the chair and wouldn't let me take him out. Now, you've seen pictures of Isaac (of if lucky enough - met him in person) and he is not small! He is really at the far end of even fitting into a high-chair, but the previous day it was, it is much more convenient for him to be at the table level (it was a high-chair with no tray). Anyway, it took at least four attempts before I finally got him out. I was starting to think I'd have to take the high-chair with me....him in it! I had to wrap my own legs around the high-chair to hold it in place and pry his little fingers off the chair and unwrap his legs - all the while wishing I myself had six arms. People tried their best not to look. Many thoughts ran through my head....this IS Sick Kids...lots of s i c k kids, people have seen this before (I saw it myself in the various clinics we had been in, but now it was ME), you wouldn't be here if you didn't have problems....hey, lady, are you trying to steal this little Chinese boy?!?!?! Yikes! Actually, my main thought was ...Thank Goodness Neil is not here OR it's not Neil on his own....I can handle this. Anyone who knows Neil will need no further explanation. He would have melted through the floor. OR he would have had to leave him there or leave the stroller and wheel Isaac out the front door in the high-chair. Well, these thoughts kept a smile on my face and I did finally get him out of that hospital. I managed to get him (kicking and screaming) back into his stroller. He refused to put on his mittens or hat and it was a cold day. As you can all guess, five minutes down the road he was fast asleep. I met Donna and my brother Dave for coffee. We strolled along Queen Street, visited a gallery showing Darren's photography, and stopped in to see where Hilary is working (Fashion Crimes on Queen Street). The Isaac we know and love woke up two hours later and was the joy he usually is....all of that other nonsence quickly forgotten.

We have another appointment (with our family doctor) on November 12th. Will keep you posted.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2nd already!!!!

Wow. Here it is Nov 1st...almost the 2nd and we have been home from China one month!!!! Can't believe it. We have had Isaac for six weeks and it seems like he has been a part of our family forever! We really couldn't have planned it any better. Life is NOT getting any easier though. It has been a very busy fall for us...especially on the Carter side of our family (my mother)...lots of weddings and showers. It's been great to see all the family and really catch up with everyone. We've gotten together more in the last couple of months than in the last two years.
I know I need to update the blog and share what's been happening with the two kids, but...where to start???? We've been really busy trying to get our house organized. We're working on the basement and it is coming along. We've almost got Ella's room finished. She did get a new bedroom suite and absolutely loves it. This has really helped with the transition...something special for her. She usually blames all the bad things on Isaac joining our family...but she just can't put a spin on this one. Song Li is still with us for a little while longer and is a tremendous help. She usually takes Ella to school in the morning and then takes Isaac to a drop in centre...which he loves...anything dealing with getting a ride in the stroller - he loves! This gives me about two hours to sort, purge, move furniture and grocery shop. I pick Ella up from school and then we all have lunch together before Isaac takes a nap. It's a pretty regular routine each day with a few extras like dance and swimming thrown in a couple of afternoons. There's often a bit of screaming...usually from Ella. It goes something like this..."'re bothering me!", "NO, ISAAC...that's baby might hurt her." "NOOOOOO...he's got my glitter glue, he's got my puzzle, he's got my rock collection...and on and on it goes. She has given him a few things - usually stuff she doesn't like anymore. She really likes to use the phrase 'fair and square' - she just doesn't always get it right. Boys are sooooo different from girls. He is a real going concern....touching everything in sight. In the first week he marked up our fridge, table and TV with a marker. Markers are now out of reach! He opens every drawer, pushes every button (even a few of ours) and pokes at everything. He is also a lot of fun and even Ella can't help laughing at him quite a bit. At first she was not happy and often said she didn't like him and why didn't we get a sister for her. She was very vocal in her concerns and the biggest was....he might get more presents than her and we wouldn't love her anymore. She said that quite often..."Do you still love me?" She needs a lot of reasurrance! A lot! It's really bad when she's over-tired and she just keeps saying things like, "He'll get more presents than me", "Everyone will forget about my birthday", "No one will remember me anymore", "You'll love Isaac more than me". We are very aware of her feelings - because she makes us aware! - and try to put a positive spin on everything. He absolutely LOVES Ella and copies everything she does, always remembers to get things for her and follows her everywhere. He hugs her and kisses her. If he gets a treat, he always asks for one for Jia Jia (big sister). We figure it will take her about six months to get over the "you'll love him more" and we can already see the signs. Last Sunday, we were at the park and she picked a dandelion and blew on it with this wish..."I wish Isaac could go back to the orphanage". Yes, we had to have a talk about it. On Monday, she couldn't say that she loved him enough. All day..."I love Isaac", "I'm glad I have a baby brother." "Here, let me help you Isaac" was a bit over the top, but we praised her efforts! She now wants to get him when he wakes up and she likes to 'read' to him. It is really great to see. Ella has no problem with me playing with Isaac and carrying him.....her big problem is daddy playing with Isaac. She is a daddy's girl and she is very jealous of daddy playing with Isaac. Neil has to be very aware of this and to make sure he doesn't swing Isaac more than Ella or tickle him more, etc etc. Isaac is very funny and likes to sing and dance. He is always talking and singing. We all find this very amusing (even Ella) and when we laugh, he does it more. He is very attached to me and follows me everywhere. He'll even wait in the bathrrom while I shower. If he can't see me, he calls out for me and when tired, he does want me to carry him a lot. I'm trying to discourage this as he is getting very heavy!!! We are truly blessed with two loving and fun-loving children. Enjoy a few photos from our first month back home.

The Backyardigans

Yes, we're crazy, but two days after returning from China and still suffering from jet lag, we took the kids to the Backyardigans. It sort of rounded out our crazy two weeks as the night before leaving for China, we attended a U2 concert. Suckers for punishment we are. They loved it - by the way, we had purchased tickets back in the spring when we thought we would have been back with Isaac long before this.

Early mornings

When we first got back, Isaac was waking up very early. We often got up at 4 am to start our day. As well, he was really afraid of the cats at first. Then he started chasing them and hitting them. We've finally got him to stop this. Now he really loves them and always says hello and let's us know when they need food or want to come in. They're still scared of him and don't stick around too long when he's near. This video is one of our mornings.


We had our annual Thanksgiving Day hay ride at Donna and Mike's even though it was freezing. We had lots of blankets to keep us warm and Neil found a warm sock inside one of the sleeping bags. It kept his bowing hand warm, at least. Mom was with us for the first time and it was also Ye Chen (Song Li's son) and Isaac's first Thanksgiving and first hay ride. (Unfortunately, Jian Song - Song Li's husband had to work). Fred was out early to get everything ready for the ride. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful fall colours and, of course, the delicious meal prepared by Donna.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

China videos

We always play the video of us getting Ella on her Gotcha Day. Well, that's only once a year. Isaac has watched his Gotcha Day video about 20 times in the last two weeks. If I need him to sit still for a little while, I just put him in front of the mac with his Gotcha Day videos.

He loves it....he's always saying "Ni Hao" to everyone in the video.

Dressing up baby brother

We often joked with Ella that we hoped Isaac liked wearing dresses as that's all she had in her closet! We also said he might like wearing her princess costumes....and we were right! One evening after getting ready for bed, we were playing in Ella's room when we all started getting dressed up. He joined right in and chose his own outfit.

Morning entertainment

Well, as I said before, Isaac loves to sing. When I first played Ella's CD of Chinese nursery songs, he was shocked and wondering where I got that from. It wasn't long before he started singing and doing his actions to the songs. Even Ella couldn't help laughing this morning.

Daniel's Wedding

What a great photo! Again...he does everything Ella does. This was taken at my cousin's son's wedding last Saturday.

He really does like to copy Ella. Last week when she got home from school, Ella wanted to take her tights off. She had to take off her pants first. As soon as he saw her do this, he took off his pants - and underwear - and ran around the house laughing. I'm afraid I couldn't post those pictures!

At the park

Always a bit of head-butting going on when they're in the wagon. It's a bit squished for two, but they love it. Who doesn't enjoy an afternoon at the park.

Hallowe'en and Gotcha Day

Happy Hallowe'en to everyone and Happy Gotcha Day to Ella.

Ella and Isaac loved getting ready for Hallowe'en...trying on wigs, etc.

Isaac loved Hallowe'en. He loved going door to door and getting the treats. If he was first up to the door, he would also ask for, try to take, or just point to Ella and say he needed another for Jia Jia (big sister). It was really funny to watch. He was also not one little bit afraid of the scary characters...and there were a few...or the scary decorations and music some neighbours had on display. He also enjoyed handing out the treats at our house. Ella had a great time as well and was very excited about her haul.

We also had our annual Gotcha Day celebration with a few friends coming over for cake. Paula, Ted and Gemma were there to celebrate as well.

Two days after returning from China, we took Ella and Isaac to see the Backyardigans - one of Ella's favourite shows. Yes, we might be a bit crazy as we were still suffering from jet lag, but we had bought the tickets months in advance thinking we would surely be back from China by then!!! Both kids loved it. He fell asleep in the last 10 minutes and Ella fell asleep 5 mintues after we left the parking lot. I think we fell asleep as soon as we got home.

Friday, October 2, 2009

We're home!!!

Well, we made it home and survived our first day....with help. This help did not come from Nanny or auntie as they both slept all day. We were up very early as both kids slept during most of the flight. It was really fantastic; however, it meant not a lot of sleep at this end. Song Li came over today and took both kids to the library. Ella will go back to school on Monday. I think Isaac was happy to have someone who understood what he was saying all day. They both completely crashed at dinner fact, before dinner.
Our last day in China will certainly be remembered as it was the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic of China and they put off quite a show....albeit seen from our hotel TV set. We did see army tanks roll past our hotel after the festivities.

I have only one photo today. It was taken on the great wall and I can't believe I forgot to post it earlier. They look so happy together. No one would ever guess that she is still blaming him for everything that happens and he follows her around like a love-sick puppy. Thank goodness he doesn't understand what she's, "Isaac, you're not in the club", "Isaac, you're too small to do this", OR "he's not allowed to have this, right!"

This was taken at the top of the section of the Great Wall that we climbed.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Since there's never much time to actually get on the computer, and I can't actually see the blog, I sometimes forget what I've said or the pics I've sent. The last couple of nights I have fallen asleep when Isaac went to bed and I may have been asleep before least he gets a nap in the middle of day. The first four nights we were here in Beijing, he has cried when we put him in his crib, but tonight (Wednesday) he was great and just curled up and went to sleep right away.
He is quite the handful and it is not easy trying to feed him and Ella at breakfast...oh, yeah, and to feed ourselves as well. He is a good eater, but also very picky. This hotel does not have the same great selection as the Dolton in Changsha. Also, once he's done, he now plays a game of saying he has to pee just to get away from the table. We brought pull ups with us, but we haven't used them and we haven't had any accidents...yet! He had a couple in his bed when he didn't get up in time, but otherwise, he has been great. I think he has peed at least four times on the streets of Beijing. Ella...three times. It's no longer a big deal! Actually, Ella is very good at getting her own breakfast at the buffet. She loves getting juice for everyone.

After our day at the Temple of Heaven (Monday) we went out for our Peking Duck dinner. The food was really great. We walked there from our hotel. On the way back, we discovered the hotel we had stayed in that last time we were here. After the restaurant, we went to a supermarket next door. Neil recognized the place and thought it was the same place we had visited in 2005. On the way back, we passed the Chang An Hotel where we stayed in 2005. Ella and I ran in to check it out and sure enough...the seal was still there. It's definitely a nicer hotel than the one we're in now. (This one is O.K....just not the level of service as the other one).

We asked our guide about the 'dirt market', Ted. We went there today. (Ted had told us about the 'dirt market' close to our old hotel, but since we were in a different hotel, we never thought about it again. We really had no clue where we were or that we were so close to the Chang An until Neil saw the supermarket).

As I mentioned in the last post, we went to the summer palace in the morning. We decided to go to Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City in the afternoon (and then the Hutongs....a very ambitious guide). However, our guide and the driver had to go back to their office for a special lunch (spring festival celebrations). We were O.K. to have the little break. Then we headed out around 2:30. However, the square was being shut down by the police and the army in preparation for the big celebrations tomorrow. As well, the forbidden city was closed.....had been for a few days. We walked around the outside of the square and saw many foreigners. We attracted a bit of attention from a group of Chinese...asking about the children. They also had children with them.

The 56 pillars on the square represent the 56 ethnic Chinese groups.

The police were very strict and ushered us away. We then went to the Hutongs for a ride in a rickshaw. It was the same spot we had gone to in 2005, but we went to a different house. Most people who live there are's a kind of subsidized housing for those renting from the government. However, to buy a full quarter house there, it would cost about a million yuan or more. After the rides, we walked to a shopping district just behind the Hutongs. It was very beautiful and would be nice to visit at another time - we just walked through it as were all getting hungry and tired. Many foreigners shopping there.

We got up early this morning and went to the silk market. It was open until 2 pm. I think Lisa could have stayed longer, but we left the market at 11 am (our driver waited for us). We've decided that the silk market is much better in terms of nicer people...not as the Pearl market. I'm sure mom will have many stories to tell about her shopping experience at the markets. The city is shutting down tomorrow for about three hours, so we'll sleep in...finally...and watch the celebrations on TV like most Beijingers will be doing. The airport will be closed during the parade, but we are hopeful that our flight will be on time. Everyone's ready to go home now. Just not looking forward to the long flight...this time with TWO kids!!!! Yikes!