Wow. Here it is Nov 1st...almost the 2nd and we have been home from China one month!!!! Can't believe it. We have had Isaac for six weeks and it seems like he has been a part of our family forever! We really couldn't have planned it any better. Life is NOT getting any easier though. It has been a very busy fall for us...especially on the Carter side of our family (my mother)...lots of weddings and showers. It's been great to see all the family and really catch up with everyone. We've gotten together more in the last couple of months than in the last two years.
I know I need to update the blog and share what's been happening with the two kids, but...where to start???? We've been really busy trying to get our house organized. We're working on the basement and it is coming along. We've almost got Ella's room finished. She did get a new bedroom suite and absolutely loves it. This has really helped with the transition...something special for her. She usually blames all the bad things on Isaac joining our family...but she just can't put a spin on this one. Song Li is still with us for a little while longer and is a tremendous help. She usually takes Ella to school in the morning and then takes Isaac to a drop in centre...which he loves...anything dealing with getting a ride in the stroller - he loves! This gives me about two hours to sort, purge, move furniture and grocery shop. I pick Ella up from school and then we all have lunch together before Isaac takes a nap. It's a pretty regular routine each day with a few extras like dance and swimming thrown in a couple of afternoons. There's often a bit of screaming...usually from Ella. It goes something like this..."'re bothering me!", "NO, ISAAC...that's baby might hurt her." "NOOOOOO...he's got my glitter glue, he's got my puzzle, he's got my rock collection...and on and on it goes. She has given him a few things - usually stuff she doesn't like anymore. She really likes to use the phrase 'fair and square' - she just doesn't always get it right. Boys are sooooo different from girls. He is a real going concern....touching everything in sight. In the first week he marked up our fridge, table and TV with a marker. Markers are now out of reach! He opens every drawer, pushes every button (even a few of ours) and pokes at everything. He is also a lot of fun and even Ella can't help laughing at him quite a bit. At first she was not happy and often said she didn't like him and why didn't we get a sister for her. She was very vocal in her concerns and the biggest was....he might get more presents than her and we wouldn't love her anymore. She said that quite often..."Do you still love me?" She needs a lot of reasurrance! A lot! It's really bad when she's over-tired and she just keeps saying things like, "He'll get more presents than me", "Everyone will forget about my birthday", "No one will remember me anymore", "You'll love Isaac more than me". We are very aware of her feelings - because she makes us aware! - and try to put a positive spin on everything. He absolutely LOVES Ella and copies everything she does, always remembers to get things for her and follows her everywhere. He hugs her and kisses her. If he gets a treat, he always asks for one for Jia Jia (big sister). We figure it will take her about six months to get over the "you'll love him more" and we can already see the signs. Last Sunday, we were at the park and she picked a dandelion and blew on it with this wish..."I wish Isaac could go back to the orphanage". Yes, we had to have a talk about it. On Monday, she couldn't say that she loved him enough. All day..."I love Isaac", "I'm glad I have a baby brother." "Here, let me help you Isaac" was a bit over the top, but we praised her efforts! She now wants to get him when he wakes up and she likes to 'read' to him. It is really great to see. Ella has no problem with me playing with Isaac and carrying him.....her big problem is daddy playing with Isaac. She is a daddy's girl and she is very jealous of daddy playing with Isaac. Neil has to be very aware of this and to make sure he doesn't swing Isaac more than Ella or tickle him more, etc etc. Isaac is very funny and likes to sing and dance. He is always talking and singing. We all find this very amusing (even Ella) and when we laugh, he does it more. He is very attached to me and follows me everywhere. He'll even wait in the bathrrom while I shower. If he can't see me, he calls out for me and when tired, he does want me to carry him a lot. I'm trying to discourage this as he is getting very heavy!!! We are truly blessed with two loving and fun-loving children. Enjoy a few photos from our first month back home.