Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Our guitar hero

Isaac LOVES music and was singing all the time in China when we first got him. That continued once we were back in Canada and he always wanted to play Ella's guitar. He was very excited the first time he saw Auntie Lisa's toy guitar for guitar hero and he pretended to be playing it all the time...singing a mixture of songs - often ones he had just made up. This summer, we found a guitar hero guitar at Frenchy's - a used clothing store in the Atlantic provinces - for $3 bucks. The best buy we ever made. He loves it and plays it all the time singing the alphabet song, BINGO, row,row,row your boat...etc.
He loved entertaining us all summer. At Aunt Kathleen's cottage, we also found a walking stick that fit in a hole in the floor of the cottage and thus looked like a microphone. This boy is bound for the stage. Enjoy the video. Here are the lyrics...just in case.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Choo choo chugga chugga
big red car
ride the whole day long
Wiggle choo choo train
Wiggle choo choo train
Wiggle boat
Wiggle boat
Wiggle boat

(The first three lines are from a Wiggles tune; the rest is made up).

Last of our summer fun

Well, I guess this is a bit out of order now, but here are a few pictures from the end of our summer vacation in Newfoundland. We had a few more beach days....never grew tired of that.

even got poppy to the beach one day

When you're bored, nothings better than a wheelbarrow ride. Pirate hats from Trinity.

Isaac's baptism day. He loved it. Kept asking when he was going to get the water over his head and when he did get it, he laughed and asked for more.

catch up

Here they are in their uniforms.

Well, time does have a way of slipping by. Here we are a year into our new life as a family of four and just loving it. Ella and Isaac are both in school...yeah, just less than a year of coming to Canada, Isaac is in school...and loving it. I was a little worried about him as he is still only 3...a bit young to be in school. However, he is doing really well. Ella is a great BIG sister and she has actually got him dressed these last two days. She's quite proud of herself. She even put an undershirt on him today! She also did a great job on the socks. She got him undressed when they got home from school as well....they are wearing uniforms this year, so it's easier to choose what to wear. Ella went off to a play date today and when Isaac and I arrived home, I noticed that his pants were on backwards. He said he used the bathroom at school and I guess he put his pants on backwards. They're so big, you can't really notice, but it was pretty funny. I can't believe he can actually go to the bathroom by himself, but they have to be able to do this at school. There is a bathroom in the classroom, so that helps.

Happy Gotcha Day Isaac

Wow! We certainly can't believe it has been a year since we went to China to get this adorable little boy! He's such a loving, cuddly little guy who loves his big sister and has just settled into this family like he was always with us.

Here he is celebrating Gotcha Day with a cotton-candy flavoured ice-cream from a new ice-cream parlour that opened nearby. mmmmm